IVF – What’s In Vitro Fertilization?

IVF is the most effective technology of assistive reproduction. The in vitro fertilization treatment includes the examination of the female, the partner for possible health issues, the stimulation of the ovaries, the retrieval of eggs from the woman’s body, the fertilization in a laboratory with the partner’s or a donor’s sperm and finally the placement of the fertilized embryo back into the woman’s uterus. As a rule, all procedures are ambulatory. With conditions like birth defects or with problems caused by surgical interventions, the couple is immediately advised to have an IVF Treatment.

IVF in Armenia: The Stages

his method of conceiving should be performed only when there is no other chance to get pregnant. However, it is important to realize, that not in all cases pregnancy occurs after the first attempt. In such cases, all you need to do is not to be discouraged and to wait for the desired pregnancy

When is IVF Treatment Advised?

  1. Fallopian tube obstruction IVF process
    – The absence of the fallopian tubes,
    – expressed pelvic adhesions (endometriosis).
  2. Male factor infertility
    – IVF at 2 degree oligoastenozoospermie
    – IVF / ICSI at 3 degree oligoastenozoospermie
    – Tessa / IVF / ICSI at azoospermia
  3. Unexplained infertility or immunological infertility (IVF / ICSI).
  4. Unsuccessful stimulation of ovulation (4 cycles or more) with intrauterine insemination.
  5. Women older than 38 years.
  6. Low ovarian reserve, FSH levels> 12 AMH <1.5, the number of antral follicles <5 (IVF or IVF with donor eggs). 6) Absence of pregnancy within women> 30 years with previous plastic operations on the fallopian tubes, if the time passed after operation > 1 year.
  7. Absence (or loss of function) of the ovaries (IVF with donor eggs)
  8. Absence (or disease) of the uterus (surrogacy program with their own or donor eggs)
    *Bold letters- absolute indications
    **Normal font – relative indications

The list of tests for IVF

  1. PHA,tests for ivf
  2. AIDS
  3. Hepatitis B and C (valid for 3 months)
  4. documents about previous examinations and treatment
  1. Semen analysis, MAR test
  2. Sperm bac. examination
  3. The serotype and AZF Y chromosome (AZFa, b, c) with severe oligozoospermia
  1. Blood group and Rh factor (may be presented excerpts from medical documents)
  2. Clinical blood count (valid 1 month)
  3. Urinalysis (valid 1 month)
  4. clotting + AFS (valid 1 month), Homocysteine
  5. The serotype
  6. Biochemical analysis of blood (ALT, AST, bilirubin, sugar, total protein, urea) (valid 1 month)
  7. FSH, AMH, E2, LH, TSH, PRL, 17OH (2 – 5 day cycle)
  8. Toxo, measles (IgG, IgM)
  9. The smears on the flora and purity (valid for 1 month)
  10. Pap examination of the cervix (in case of no changes are valid for 1 year)
  11. Chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, HSV1.2, CMVPTSR method (in the absence of infection, valid 1 year)
  12. bac. examination of cervical secretions (in the absence of infections valid for 1 year)
  13. ECG (in case of no changes are valid for 1 year)
  14. Lung fluorography (in case of no changes are valid for 1 year)
  15. Breast and thyroid ultrasound (in case of no changes are valid for 1 year)
  16. Psychology consultation
  17. Therapist conclusion about the patient’s health and the ability of carrying pregnancy (valid for 1 year)
  18. Research on the status of the uterus and fallopian tubes (vaginal sonography / GHA / hysteroscopy / diagnostic laparoscopy).

In preparation for the IVF program, with the beginning of stimulation:

get consultations of embryologist and anesthesiologist.

* Required examinations are written with bold letters.

** During the examinations one should be protected from pregnancy.

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+374 60 506 601

Service Recipient Says

I’m immeasurably grateful to you for staying with us in our fighting all these years, and for your careful and soft-hearted attitude towards the whole staff. Even in my hardest hour I left your room filled with new energy to fight

Thank you so much for all you do. We could not be happier! Thank you for answering all of our questions with patience and kindness. It is our hope that you can continue to help couples achieve their dreams.

A Great Center, caring, smart and welcoming specialists, I’m very grateful to you, especially many thanks to my personal doctor Ms. Hripsime for gifting me with my twin miracles.