What is Infertility?

What is Infertility?

What is Infertility?

When a couple is unable to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse it’s called infertility. Approximately 15% of couples worldwide are affected by infertility. In Armenia, the numbers vary between 17-18 %. Women with certain symptoms such as irregular menses or with the lack of it and those who are 35 years of age and older should also seek medical help for assisted reproduction. We at Fertility Center help families determine the cause of infertility and point out the possible chances of getting pregnant. In severe cases of infertility, the help of surrogate mothers could be offered. Approximately 40% of infertility is attributed to the male partner, 50% to the female partner and in 10% of cases, the cause is unknown.
The good news is that most will succeed in becoming parents with appropriate treatment of infertility.